Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Year of the Sock

Yup 2011 was full of socks.  Given that the first half of the year found my knitting mojo often waning (and sometimes non-existent), socks were the perfect project: small, portable and sometimes non-committal.  Amongst the socks are a few items that might look unfamiliar (a vest, a blanket and a baby outfit).  They were the last projects for BlogBernat (sadly that partnership has ended but it was time for me to move on anyways).
The Finished Items of 2011
On the plus side, I learned some new techniques (hurray for toe-ups!) and published my first pattern.  And I'm still plugging away at my cardi, so I'm hoping to get another pattern published in the not-too-distant future.

And to be fair, I did work on some bigger projects that didn't quite make it to the finishing line: lots of "almost done".
The Works in Progress of 2011
Let's hope they get finished in the new year.  Maybe 2012 can be the year of FOs?  Let's hope it'll be better than 2011.  It's already off to a better start.

Cheers :)


  1. Quite an impressive inventory and just think how far ahead you are for this year with so many projects partially done. Knit on!

  2. Haha! I hope you're right that I'll get more done this year. :)


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