Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary . . .

How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.
Remember that rhyme from days-gone-by?  Ahhh, to be five again . . .
Silverbells? Amidst Dianthus

Seriously, how does your garden grow?  Mine is filling in nicely, despite spring's slow arrival.  Frost occasionally greets the early riser and the wind can blow cold.  Guess I'll never get used to a Nova Scotian spring.

Bleeding Hearts

Still, that sun is glorious when it peaks out from behind the floating white fluff in the sky.  And new life sprouts with its fresh yellow tinge, unfurling and spreading out . . . 

Just enjoy whatever comes our way . . .
Blue Forget-Me-Knots
How does your garden grow?


  1. i love flowers, but i love greenery even more. you've got some good looking greenery. :)

  2. Thanks Dinah! Nice to have different coloured foliage. :)


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