Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween ;)

Any ghoulies at your place?

Pumpkins Courtesy of Free Photo Website
(whose name eludes me at this time)
Over at our little spot in the country, I don't expect too many trick-or-treaters tonight.  One of my neighbours claimed to have had only two visitors last year, so chances are  . . . .

We had some Halloween fun planned this past weekend: pumpkin carving and cookie deocrating (I'd share some pictures but I'm still without any internet access so I can't just update a post on a whim).  And my niece will go out  to gather some treats, but neither boy was interested in doing so.  That's a first!  My oldest doesn't want to go 'cuz of his nut allergies.  Most of the stuff he gets he won't be able to eat (although my younger son initially offered to trade all his chips for all of the other's chocolate stuff). And the younger one didn't know what sort of costume to wear.  So we're planning to watch some scary movies and hope everyone has a good time.  Its a school night anyways.

Have a great evening!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

And Now for Some Knitting . . .

What?  Knitting on a knitting blog?!  Have I gone mad? 

But seriously, I managed some knitting this week.  With the sale of our mini-home finalized, all the cleaning is out of the way (yay! :D).  Its hard work cleaning out one's accumulated dirt and grime; after all, it took almost 14 years to build up to appreciable levels.).   
Bohus Fitting
With the added crafting time, my Bohus Redux has grown: added some waist-shaping as I slowly work towards the cable-ribbed hem.  Thus far, the fit is quite nice.   
This is actually the first time I've tried it on (so much for trying-on as I go-along).  I must confess that from the start I had a good feeling about this project--much better feelings than my first attempt at the Bohus.  And as it turns out, my guts were spot on: it fits great!  Very pleased with this one (rest assured I'm taking copious notes so that I can post the pattern to this site before the end of the year).
Phentex Slippers
I've also returned to my hubby's slipper.  His old pair are dying--thanks in part to Patches, our cat.  She's a cute kitty, but is terribly fascinated by slippers and paper cards (the kind you find in magazines for subscriptions).
Patches' Favorite Napping Spot
And is it normal for a kitty to play "attack cat"?  Contrary to the above pic, our kitty seems super-energized--especially after a meal.  I'm guessing its normal  kitty behaviour.  Perhaps I should consult a cat-care book (seeing as I'm typing this at the local library, I should head over to the stacks pronto.  At the library?  Yes, I'm still without internet access at home, so I'm having to drive into town to hit all the wi-fi hot spots  . . :S)

Have a great weekend! :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Just a Little Bit Country . . .

No, I'm not really a fan of country music--always preferred alternative rock.  Actually referring to country life.  Thus far, all is good.  Waiting to close the deal on the sale of our old home, but the place has been emptied and cleaned (not perfectly, but she's done).
Pooh Bear Keeping Watch on Our Front Porch
This is the first weekend we've been able to spend in our new home--no traveling, no moving, no cleaning.  Have I mentioned how much I dislike moving?  Talk about stressful!  And it sure leaves a body feeling out-of-place and out-of-sorts.  Hoping I don't have to move again for a long, long time.  There's still quite a bit of unpacking to do (as evidenced by the number of boxes in and 'round the house), but we're slowly getting through them.
Piles of Boxes in Back Porch Area
The day greeted me with a bright sun in a clear blue sky.  So I got the clothes out on the line (I need one of those do-hickeys that keep the clothesline from drooping to the ground).  
There's nothing like being outside whilst hanging fresh, clean clothes: the warm sun beating on your face; the clean air fragranced by pine trees, wildflowers and damp grass; the quiet interrupted by the sing-song of birds.  I just love it! 

Even mindless, ordinary tasks become soothing and relaxing.  Since I can't walk to work anymore, I've taken to mowing the lawn with my handy-dandy push mower in the evenings before supper.
Handy-Dandy Push Mower

Funny thing about push mowers: I was just reading in the latest issue of Hobby Farms that a push mower is a great green option for lawn care if you've got less than a 1/4 acre.  It beats going to the gym!  And its cheaper too.  Lucky for me, I've got just about 1/4 acres of cleared green space (although I'm gonna need a small, used tractor to clear off the little used fields that will become my garden space come spring--hoping to do that before too long)
By the way, thought I'd mention that I'm still without internet connection (I'm writing this at the local university campus while the kids go to swim class).  Suffering a wee bit of internet withdrawal 'cuz I use the internet for so much.  And I'm soooooo missing my beloved Restaurant City game on Facebook . . . .maybe this week will see me back online.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Progress of Bohus Redux

Sooooo, what do you think?
Bohus Redux In Progress
I'm lovin' the colour section.  Very pleased how it turned out.  The hard part will be to re-produce it in chart form when I decide to release the pattern (I'm sure I'll think of something).

Sorry my progress photo isn't indicative of my actual progress (I've actually separated the sleeves from the body and am working some waist shaping).  I haven't had a chance to photograph a proper update.  Making matters more difficult is the wait for internet connection at home (I'm actually updating this post from a motel room 'cuz I've gone away to the valley for a wedding . . .. but I digress).

How goes your knitting?  Hoping you have a good week.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving :)

To all my Canadian readers, hope you're enjoying the long weekend with family and friends.  And be sure to count your blessings.
Fall Display photo courtesy of stock.xchng
We've been blessed with a great opportunity this fall.  This move to a place in the country is an opportunity to try our hand at homesteading.  We want to raise some livestock and grow as much of our own food as possible.  Eventually we'd like to get off the grid . . . but that's for the future.  Little steps.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Paint 'n Stuff

Yup, still packing.  This weekend is "D-Day" (although it should really be called M-Day--M for moving).  We've already started moving stuff into the new house (I use the word "new" loosely as the house is about 125 years old--hee, hee).  So most of my precious time has been spent packing and/or painting.
Paint Stuff
I managed a wee bit of knitting--and I do mean wee 'cuz I'd knit a row or two each day and that would be it.  At the very least, my Bohus Redux is ready for the sleeves to be separated from the body.  And if the weather would cooperate, I could post an updated photo . . . maybe next time.
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